About Us

Kreativa Global School proudly announces the opening of our Islamic International School in East Bandung. We offer a comfortable learning environment with great facilities and excellent teachers to help students achieve their potential.

Syauqi Robbani, MPA


Harvard University,  Master in Public Administration

“As the founder of Kreativa Global School, I highlight the importance of English language proficiency in global competition and the need to enhance English language skills in Indonesia. Economic development and progress rely on the complexity of economics and STEM abilities, and it’s essential for Indonesia to develop these skills to drive innovation. I also acknowledge the crucial role of emotional maturity and Islamic values in education, as they shape children’s characters and habits. With Kreativa Global School’s mission focused on building a strong foundation in STEM, emotional maturity, and Islamic values, we are committed to helping students prepare for a successful future.”

Sahidan, M.M.


Telkom University,  Master in Management

“As the Principal of Kreativa Global School, I am honored to lead an institution that combines Islamic education with a modern international curriculum. We are committed to providing a supportive learning environment that fosters intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth. Through a holistic approach that includes academic excellence, Islamic values, and 21st-century skills development, we equip our students with a strong foundation for future success. By emphasizing creativity, critical thinking, and integrity, we prepare the next generation of leaders to contribute positively to the global stage while upholding Islamic values.”

R Noorahmat Pudyastomo, PhD

Academic Head

The University of Manchester, Doctor of  Philosophy, Astrophysics

“Vision and mission of the Kreativa Global School, which combines traditional Islamic education with modern global education. It draws inspiration from intellectual leaders of the Golden Age of madrasas during the Seljuk era, such as Omar Kayam, Al-Karisi, Alfarabi, and Ibn Rushd. The school focuses on cultivating strong individual character, noble spirituality, and academic excellence while integrating the International Baccalaureate, Cambridge International Education, Indonesian National curriculum, and holistic Islamic and Quranic education. It emphasizes creativity, critical thinking, and essential skills, aiming to revitalize traditional madrasas by incorporating contemporary educational methodologies and technology. The Premier curriculum produces students proficient in global knowledge and technology while deeply rooted in Islamic practices, with the goal of nurturing future thinkers and leaders capable of making significant contributions on the international stage with integrity and wisdom.”

Our Vision

Energize Faithful Generation, Maketh Future Leader

Our Mission

  • Fostering critical thinking and creativity of learners
  • Emphasizing both literacy and skill development of learners
  • Showcasing individualized learning experience for learners
  • Nurturing leraners to be capable and competitive global citizens

Our Story

Harnessing Indonesia’s Potential:

Indonesia boasts the world’s fourth-largest population, a powerful resource for human capital development. We can learn from India’s success in placing skilled professionals in global firms. However, to become a major player, Indonesia needs to address the challenge of limited English proficiency. This hinders communication and collaboration in today’s interconnected world.

Brilliant ideas are only half the battle. The ability to express them clearly and thoughtfully is essential. Furthermore, a nation’s progress hinges on continuous innovation, fuelled by a strong foundation in STEM fields. The World Economic Forum highlights the growing importance of skills like structured thinking, problem-solving, and innovation. These, combined with emotional intelligence and strong character, are the building blocks for a well-rounded future generation.

Kreativa Global School: Bridging the Gap

Kreativa Global School was founded to address this very need. We aim to equip the younger generation with exceptional English language skills from a young age, cultivate their talents in STEM fields, and instil the confidence to thrive on the global stage. These qualities are nurtured within a framework of Islamic values, providing a moral compass for navigating the complexities of our ever-changing world.

Our Brand

Our Tagline

Unlocking Potential, Empowering Dreams

Within each individual lies a wellspring of potential, a reservoir of dreams waiting to be realized. But unlocking this potential and empowering those dreams requires more than just individual motivation. It necessitates a supportive environment, a nurturing ground where skills are honed, confidence is built, and aspirations are ignited.

In today’s interconnected world, nations that thrive are those that invest in their human capital. A nation’s most valuable resource isn’t its natural resources, but its people – their ingenuity, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. When we empower individuals to unlock their potential, we empower them to become active participants in shaping a brighter future, not just for themselves, but for their communities and the world at large.

Our Logo

In today’s digital world, website acts like a shop window for the organization. It gives visitors a chance to understand who we are, what we stand for, and what we’ve accomplished. For Kreativa Global School, featuring our logos prominently on our website reflects our commitment to openness. Each element of our logo symbolizes different aspects of our identity. Additionally, our logo is legally protected under the watchful eye of our legal team.

Life Long Learning

Learning never stops. It’s about growing, exploring, and developing ourselves constantly. By embracing learning throughout life, we become better equipped to handle life’s changes and complexities. Let’s start learning and keep going forever.

Be a Star

A star burns brightly because of its internal fire. Discover your passion – that one thing that ignites your enthusiasm and motivates you to excel. When you pursue your passion, work doesn’t feel like work – it becomes an exciting journey of exploration and self-discovery.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is crucial. It helps us make smart decisions, solve problems, and be better people. Let’s sharpen our critical thinking skills to make the world a better place for everyone.

Be a Future Leader

Let’s help create future leaders by nurturing important qualities like vision, communication, and integrity. We can make the world better by supporting and guiding the next generation.


Resilience means facing challenges with inner strength. Stay positive, believe in yourself, and lean on your support system. Each challenge makes you stronger.


What is Kreativa Global School?

Kreativa Global School is the first international Islamic school in East Bandung. It provides an education system with an international perspective while embedding Islamic values.

What languages are used as the medium of instruction at Kreativa Global School?

The medium of instruction at Kreativa Global School is English for all subjects and activities. It further enhances subjects such as Science, Mathematics, and English Literacy.

Who are the teachers at Kreativa Global School?

Teachers at Kreativa Global School are experienced professionals with 2-5 years of experience from international schools.

What are the core values of Kreativa Global School?

Kreativa Global School focuses on three core values: Spirituality, Strong Character, and Academic Excellence.

What curriculum does Kreativa Global School follow?

Kreativa Global School integrates the best components of the IB, Cambridge, National, and a unique Islamic curriculum. It utilizes the CAS method from IB for project-based learning, Cambridge for subject matter, and adjusts to national standards for national exams.

How is the Islamic curriculum implemented at Kreativa Global School?

The Islamic curriculum at KGS is implemented through daily spiritual and character-building practices such as Tahfidz, Murojaah, morning Dhikr, Asmaul Husna, communal Dhuha and Dhuhr prayers, storytelling of Nabawi Sirah and Muslim scholars and heroes. The school collaborates with reputable Tahfidz institutions and issues a daily habit report for parents.

What facilities does Kreativa Global School have?

By its fourth year, Kreativa Global School has completed its facilities, which include a five-story building with a swimming pool on the top floor.

What does the annual tuition fee at Kreativa Global School cover?

The annual tuition fee at Kreativa Global School includes the tuition for one year, building fee, annual activity fee, catering, textbooks, and uniform costs, excluding extracurricular fees.

Where is Kreativa Global School located?

Kreativa Global School is located at Jl. Parakan Saat 1 No.40, Soekarno Hatta, Kota Bandung.

Teachers Profile

Our Upcoming Building